Jesse (He/Him), Piercer

Jesse Kirzner’s first interaction with the body art industry was when he was working as counter help for a tattoo studio Maryland.

In 2015 he started his piercing apprenticeship. Piercing offered Jesse a positive outlet in life that helped him fulfill his goals and aspirations in a positive way! Since then, he has dedicated everything he can to providing people with a safe space to get quality work done at.

He is a well-rounded piercer eager to sharpen his skill set.

Jesse has taken classes that were taught by well known practitioners in the piercing industry as well as worked in many prestigious studios all over the country.

When Jesse is not piercing, he enjoys live music events as well as producing and mixing electronic dance music. Jesse has done volunteer work for peer based harm reduction groups in the music festival scene in hopes to help people make healthy and informed lifestyle choices. He enjoys anime, skateboarding, and caring for his cat named Biggie, a large black cat who meows all day for attention.